Blogging tips on making money online through blogs
For most people, blogging is a platform where people discuss personal things and get to share ideas, pictures, opinions and even information with other internet surfers who happen to have the same idea and interest. However, it is not the only thing you can do with the blogs. Instead you can make money through the help of blogging. Many people are making some cash online with blogging and some of them even earn their living solely from the help of their blogs. There are so many methods for bloggers to make a living and we are going to discuss that in few of the common ways that is used by bloggers to make income online.
Blogging as a source of income #1: Affiliate Marketing
Bloggers can earn cash through affiliate marketing. When you sign up with an affiliate program, you will be given a unique affiliate link that you can use to promote your selected affiliate products, if any sale made, you earn the commission. Affiliate marketing is one of the great options for bloggers in earning money for the internet. There are various affiliate products available for different types of niche market. You also need to find the products that are in relation to your blog and even promote them through your affiliate link. Whenever there is sale made through the link, you earn the commission. By using such method, you not only advertise your client’s products but also your blogs content as well. Thus, increases your traffic given that the product is famous.
Blogging as a source of income #2: Pay-per-click Ads
Bloggers can even generate income from the pay-per-click advertisements that are given by the major search engines like Google as well as Yahoo. It is simple and easy to apply an account and then integrate a simple code to the blog’s template. Also, the contextual ads that are in relation to the blog themes will automatically make and deliver to the blog. Whenever, the visitors click on the ads, bloggers will earn the money which may range from a penny to a few dollars per click.
Blogging as a source of income #3: Product Reviews
Many merchants are searching for bloggers in reviewing their products. A blogger can make money by just providing reviews on these products. You can even search for the merchants that are simply looking for bloggers that are going to review their products individually from the internet or to make things simple, you can just register at the portals that links both merchants and reviewers, this way things are much more faster. Then you can go look for merchants that match you blog’s content. Depending on the blog popularity, you may earn from $25 to $200 per review for average blogs, to a few thousands per review for famous high traffic blogs.
Blogging as a source of income #4: Memberships
Membership is one way to generate repeated income online. But it is not that practical to charge visitors for the views that your blog get unless the blog is quite famous and wanted on the World Wide Web. So the question is how does a bloggers generate money from the memberships?
Generally, bloggers that earn money by charging membership fee do have a membership website. They use their blogs in order to generate that traffic and monetize their visitors before they channel the traffic to their membership website. By using a membership website with blogs that work as a gateway to a membership site will increase the conversion rate from the given visitors to members that aid the bloggers in making repeated income online.
By, themelib